Dec 2, 2021
'Erika tries to cook Injera and fails :) Too bad we didn\'t get to see how the actual Injera is made from scratch but still lucky to get to have a try in cooking it. It\'s not as easy it looks! About Ethiopian Food Whenever you travel, it’s not just the sights and sounds of a different culture that are alluring – it’s the food as well. And traveling to Ethiopia is no exception. Ethiopian cuisine is rich and flavorful, with a wide diversity of cultural dishes and drinks. But what makes Ethiopian food culture unique? Ethiopians take great pride in preserving their traditional heritage. For them, the eating of food is much like a ceremony, with everyone sitting around the table and slowly savoring the meal. It’s encouraged to eat with your hands using Injera, a national dish, to scoop up delicious stews, lentils, and meats. Read more on what makes Ethiopian food culture unique! https://absoluteethiopia.com/what-makes-ethiopian-food-culture-unique/ This trip is hosted by our local partner: https://absoluteethiopia.com/ Music by: Nicolai Heidlas Music: https://soundcloud.com/nicolai-heidlas https://twitter.com/NHeidlas https://www.facebook.com/nicolaiheidlas https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-B3... http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b... Music provided by RFM: https://youtu.be/1qjuKXw0tC4'
Tags: injera , enjera , ethiopianfood , howtomakeinjera , injeramaking , ethiopianbread
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