'Hi friends, today I am sharing with you weight loss roti, this is the best recipe for weight loss we can add it in breakfast or dinner time. In single roti will get 75 calories high protein, high fiber recipe. We can have 3 roti with raita in our weight loss diet plan. Even we can give this recipe to kids also. They will also love it. #Breakfastrecipeforweightloss #Dinnerrecipeforweightloss #weightlossroti #Dietrecipeforweightloss #quickandeasyrecipe Weight loss roti Serving-7 roti 1. Whole wheat flour-120g 2. Cauliflower-120g 3. Onion-40g 4. Coriander leaves-10g 5. Garlic-4g 6. Mint leaves-3g 7. Ghee-10ml 8. Turmeric-1/4 tsp 9. Roasted cumin powder-1/2 tsp 10. Salt-as per taste Raita 1. Cucmber-150g 2. Curd-100g 3. Salt-as per taste Cooking process 1. Wash and chop all the veggies finely. 2. Take a bowl add all chopped veggies to it, add 1 cup whole wheat flour, ass turmeric, cumin powder and salt. 3. Mix well. 4. Roll it and roast it both sides. 5. Top of it you can add little ghee . 6. Our healthy weight loss roti is ready. 7. We can have 3 roti with raita. 8. To make raita wash peel and great cucumber, add it bowl. 9. Add curd, salt mix well raita is ready. Fiber foods | Fiber foods list in hindi | Fiber foods for weightloss https://youtu.be/IXpkKCRqCJA Related video: Weight loss के लिए daily हमे कितना calories खाना चाहिए ? | Calories | BMR | Weight loss tips https://youtu.be/3njlrVcHTL4 बढे हुए LDL cholesterol को कैसे normal करे ? | HDL cholesterol को कैसे बढ़ाये ? https://youtu.be/l7x9c_fY2sE Cholesterol क्या है ? | LDL cholesterol | HDL cholesterol क्या होता है ? | Normal cholesterol levels https://youtu.be/MNweJdu6Ooc Normal Cholesterol Levels | LDL Cholesterol | HDL Cholesterol https://youtu.be/F3qUwQHrBiM मोटापा काम करने का तरीका l | Weight loss recipe https://youtu.be/v9yHlGL0TGc Flaxseed ko kaise khaye | Flaxseed health benefits | ovulation | Weight loss https://youtu.be/IJBlkxdlP0w Diet plan to lose weight fast | Diet plan for weight loss | Weight loss diet | Lose 10kg in 1 month https://youtu.be/epYZUdTEwhU Diet plan for weight loss |Dinner recipes |Weight loss tips |Weight loss recipes https://youtu.be/PGc91eMOrRI How to lose weight fast | Diet chart for weight loss | Calories | weight loss https://youtu.be/Xw0UIzf8Iqg हिंदी Weight loss tips | 5 tips for weight loss quickly https://youtu.be/8m9jNF4mmwM बढे हुए cholesterol को कम करना है तो क्या खाये ? | Cholesterol lowering foods https://youtu.be/uHeEskT6WhE Flaxseed benefits | Cholesterol को कम करे |Hormones को Balance करे https://youtu.be/wgXrmw1z0hA How to reduce cholesterol | Cholesterol कम करने का घरेलु उपाय https://youtu.be/WXHWVOMC8IE Thanks, For customized diet plan mail [email protected] Disclaimer: The information in this video is/are collected from several sources or experiences of other people. Video Designed for educational purpose and awareness purpose only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any healthcare/problem. Please consult your doctor with any questions and concerns. Any information associated with these videos should not be considered as a substitute for prescription suggested, by any doctor. Viewers are subjected to use this information on their own risk. The channel doesn’t take any responsibility for any harm, side effects, illness or any health or skin care problem.'
Tags: healthy breakfast ideas , healthy dinner ideas , diet recipes to lose weight , weight loss recipe , dinner recipes for weight loss , quick and easy recipes for dinner , breakfast recipes for weight loss , high protein recipes for weight loss , weight loss roti recipe , masala roti for weight loss
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