'In April 2016, we spent some time with Epic Meal Time to show them FFXV and create an Epic Meal. Check out this special behind the scenes video to see what else went on and why Epic Meal Time and FFXV are such a good fit! Subscribe to the Final Fantasy XV YouTube channel to make sure you don’t miss any of our videos - http://bit.ly/1TYo1Qs To see what else Epic Meal Time got up to while they were in Japan check out this video - https://youtu.be/2tAqLZxAgwo While in Japan Epic Meal Time created an epic cheeseburger bento box! Click here to see it - https://youtu.be/T4Bm4xKE-4o Like what you see? Then be sure to follow us: Twitter - https://twitter.com/ffxven Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ffxv Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/ffxv/ YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/FinalFantasyXV Website - http://www.finalfantasyxv.com/'
Tags: Cooking , Food , sandwich , epic meal time , Final Fantasy 15 , final fantasy XV , FF15 , FFXV
See also: