Nov 21, 2021
'Here is another refreshing and zingy salad using fresh kohlrabi from my garden. If you’re unable to find Kohlrabi, papaya is a good substitute. Like other salads, it must be serve immediately to avoid vegetable from getting soggy. 4 SERVINGS INGREDIENTS: 2 medium kohlrabi (2 lb) 1 1/2 lb pork belly 1 lb Tiger shrimp/ large shrimp 1 large carrot 1 cup mint, chopped 1 cup Vietnamese coriander, chopped 1 cup Vietnamese salad dressing, divided (recipe here: https://youtu.be/RqO0Ms2KdJk) Garnish: fried shallot roasted peanuts Thai chili my socials: •INSTAGRAM:https://instagram.com/maifoodhaven/ •FACEBOOK:https://m.facebook.com/maifoodhaven?ref=bookmark *EMAIL: [email protected] Please remember to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe if you enjoyed. Thank you for watching. Music Credit: https://www.bensound.com #MaiFoodHaven #PrawnandPorkKohlrabisalad'See also: