'Most of China\'s \'gutter oil\' winds up in cheap restaurants and among street food vendors. 这里是报道的粤语版 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJ30pLtrcZg More Episodes Part 1: Inside an Illegal Slaughterhouse http://youtu.be/u0E4Zb33WFs Part 3: Toxic Soil http://youtu.be/yOEI4-8B-ys Part 4: Soured on Soy Milk http://youtu.be/YnI7fsb3xdg More Information: http://www.rfa.org/english/news/special/foodsafety/Home.html'
Tags: street food , chinese food , china food , china street food , chinese gutter oil , china gutter oil , china cooking oil , chinese cooking oil , china sewer oil , chinese sewer oil , china gutter waste , china food safety , china restaurant , Gutter Oil , gutter oil in china used as street food
See also: