'Do Slow Feeder Dog Food Bowls Actually Work? Be sure to subscribe to this channel http://bit.ly/BostonTerrierSocietySubscribe Hey Everybody, In this video, I walk you through how effective slow feeder bowls are when it comes to actually slowing down how fast your dog scarfs down its food. There are a number of benefits to slowing down how fast your dog eats. These include better digestion, less bloat & gas, less regurgitation. If you have a dog who regurgitates its food a slow feeder food bowl could be really helpful. Find The Links To The Dog Food Bowls Below... --------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: These descriptions contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. Thank you for your support. --------------------------------------------------------- Dog Bowl: Here is the link to the bowl we currently have - https://bit.ly/DoubleFeeder Slow Feeder Dog Food Bowl: Here is a link to the slow feeder bowl we have now - (note: we have the 1 cup version that fits in our current dog food bowl holder) - https://bit.ly/SlowFeederDogBowl KEY TAKEAWAY: Getting a slow feeder bowl can really help your Boston Terrier eat slower. --------------------------------------------------------- SUBSCRIBE for more videos! ~ http://bit.ly/BostonTerrierSocietySubscribe Find more information about Boston Terriers on our website! https://www.bostonterriersociety.com --------------------------------------------------------- Thank you so much for watching! --------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: These descriptions contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. Thank you for your support. --------------------------------------------------------- Boston Terrier Society’s Favorites Health Pet Insurance: https://bit.ly/PetAssureDogInsurance Talk With A Veterinarian 24/7: https://bit.ly/TalkWithAVet --------------------------------------------------------- SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL: http://bit.ly/BostonSociety W E B S I T E https://www.bostonterriersociety.com I N S T A G R A M https://www.instagram.com/boston_terrier_society/ P I N T E R E S T https://www.pinterest.com/TheBostonTerrierSociety/ F A C E B O O K https://www.facebook.com/BostonSociety/ F A C E B O O K G R O U P https://bit.ly/BostonTerrierSocietyFacebookGroup T W I T T E R https://twitter.com/Boston_Society/ --------------------------------------------------------- The Boston Terrier Society is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. The Boston Terrier Society also participates in affiliate programs with Flexoffers, ShareASale, and other sites. Boston Terrier Society is compensated by referring traffic and business to these sites.'
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