'11-Layer Megaton Dip - Shart Week Day 3 - Epic Meal Time'

03:58 Nov 12, 2021
'LIKE/FAV this video EpicMealTime Shart Week! Day 3 of the weeklong celebration of meals that induce \"sharts\"! On this instalment of Shart Week, we create a dip that will blow a hole through your intestines. 11 layers with some KFC and Taco Bell on the side.   GET OUR NEW APP!!!    AppStore: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/epic-meal-time/id528727917?Is=1&mt=8  Google Play (For Android): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.molecube.epicmealtime     BUY HATS, HOODIES and T-SHIRTS!!!   http://shop.epicmealtime.com   http://www.facebook.com/epicmealtime   http://www.twitter.com/epicmealtime' 

Tags: epic , mac and cheese , bacon , pork , guacamole , dip , prosciutto , pancetta , jack daniels , beans , epicmealtime , muscles glasses , Harley Morenstein , tequila , Weekspecial , shart week , shart , kraft dinner

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