'Hey everyone. So (my favourite word in this video) this is my first YouTube upload and Mukbang. This video is soooooo random (pray for me please). My main focus was to cook, eat (obviously) and just tell you about my experience at the GOT7 concert in Paris (it happened time ago...I know). I filmed this on my phone (pray for me again please) so quality isn\'t great but whatever, you have to start somewhere I guess.... Thank you for watching. Like, Comment and Subscribe (if you are half to fully feeling the video) Follow me: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nadz__loves/ and https://www.instagram.com/nadiatravels2/ I will upload a blog post about the food I made for the video (5PM BST) and other details about being in Paris and so on. Website for blog: www.nadialovesfood.com Cookbooks used: K Food: Korean Home Cooking and Street Food: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Food-Korean-Home-Cooking-Street/dp/178472100X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1530704381&sr=8-1&keywords=k+food Our Korean Kitchen https://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_9?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=our+korean+kitchen&sprefix=our+korea%2Cstripbooks%2C300&crid=23NG0CEW5QFR8 Email nadialoves2410700@gmail.com'
Tags: eating , mukbang , Kpop , random video , black girl , blackgirl , got7 , koreanfood , eatingfood , kpop mukbang , igot7 , GOT7Concert , GOT7 in Paris , GOT7Concert2018 , fanexperience , GOT7Fanexperience , IGOT7experience , kpopreview , kpopexperience , kpopconcert , kpopconcertreview , eatingandchatting , blackgirltalkingaboutkpop , blackgirltalkingaboutGOT7 , random mukbang , GOT7 concert experience , fan experience , GOT7 concert 2018 , Nadia loves , kpop concert experience
See also: