'mail:[email protected] Twitter https://twitter.com/aaajoken 本日の食べれるミニチュアは月見団子。 中秋の名月・十五夜の時にお月様にお供えする月見団子です。 白くて丸い月見団子は 月が満ちる姿(満月)を模したもので 収穫への祈りや感謝だけでなく ものごとの結実や健康、幸福をも表しています。 In this video we make miniature Tsukimi-Dango (Moon-viewing dumplings), which are offered to the moon on “Jyu-go-ya” or “the night of the full moon”, in Japan. The white and round dumplings represent a full moon, which expresses gratitude and prayer for good harvest as well as fruitification, health, and happiness in life. We produce edible miniature dishes. All of the kichien we use, cooking ingredients, small articles are bought in Japan. As we don\'t use English,there will be the cases we can\'t answer the questions, if you give.Please forgive us. Be careful that we don\'t get the Facebook pages open. MiniatureShopAAA We provide miniature kitchen, and kitchen tools such as kitchen knife, the movies of miniature cooking are very popular on You tube now. http://www.miniatureaaa.com/home'
Tags: Cooking , Food , small , miniature , mini , kawaii , Dishes , 미니어처 , ミニチュア , миниатюрный , ขนาดเล็ก , miniatorespace , Dumpling (Type Of Dish) , Dango (Dish)
See also: