'Serving sizes are ridiculous. Everyone eats a ton more than the amount listed on the nutrition facts. Foods we looked at: Doritos, Oreos, Lucky Charms, peanut butter, guacamole, frozen lasagna, mozzarella sticks, Arizona iced tea, frozen pizza. Music by The Egotwisters: http://soundcloud.com/the-egowisters'
Tags: Cooking , Recipe , eating , nutrition , Food , Recipes , fast food , calories , chocolate , Chicken , video , cheese , small , Cook , Comparison , Cake , Large , Eat , drinks , MEAT , cookies , pizza , cuisine , groceries , peanut butter , milk , oreos , K_fe , Lasagna , guacamole , fact , Doritos , average , chips , how much , amount , nutrition facts , Lasagne (Dish) , mozzarella sticks , iced tea , serving size , servings , portion , Mozzarella (Cheese) , serving
See also: