'大阪 道頓堀 インパクトがすごい 踊りだこ たこ焼き Delicious Takoyaki of Osaka street food - TAKOYAKI  Nanba 章魚小丸子 章鱼烧'

'大阪 道頓堀 インパクトがすごい 踊りだこ たこ焼き Delicious Takoyaki of Osaka street food - TAKOYAKI  Nanba 章魚小丸子 章鱼烧'
12:13 Oct 15, 2021
'Takoyaki is a snack of chopped octopus placed in a batter of flour, egg and dashi soup stock and fried.  The batter is poured onto a griddle with circular molds, then octopus is added along with red pickled ginger, spring onions and deep-fried tempura batter.  Red pickled ginger is ginger that has been pickled in plum vinegar and has a sour taste.  Tenkasu are round bits of deep fried tempura batter, a mix of flour, egg and water.  Tenkasu is packed with umami, and it is used not only in takoyaki but also okonomiyaki.  The way takoyaki is made can change from region to region. Sometimes cabbage and konjac jelly is also used to make it.  店名 踊りだこ ジャンル たこ焼き 住所 大阪府大阪市中央区道頓堀1-7-24 交通 難波駅から、道頓堀まで徒歩。    日本橋駅から341m 営業時間 11:00~22:30 定休日  不定休' 

Tags: street food , たこ焼き , 職人 , 章鱼烧 , 章魚小丸子 , ナンバ , Nanba , ทาโกยากิ

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