Oct 11, 2021
'Love the CNY food but not the food coma? We have just the perfect solution for you this CNY! Our certified Low GI Brown Rice lets you indulge in the feasting, with just half the sugar rush! The Little Rice Company\'s CNY Rice Gift Pack is now available with 8 FREE \"ricely\" designed Ang Baos! You can also Pre-Order our homegrown lucky paddy plant and harvest a full year of abundance and prosperity ahead! It\'s Time to Rice Up! Find Us on: Shopee: https://shopee.sg/thelittlericecompany Lazada: https://www.lazada.sg/shop/the-little-rice-company/?spm=a2o42.pdp_revamp.delivery_options.1.2494c986CdLSCo&itemId=1555670837&channelSource=pdp'See also: