'Aniket from BuzzFeed India and Shibu from BuzzFeed Japan wanted to explore what a full day of meals looks like from each other\'s countries. Which of their meals would you like to try too? #BuzzFeedIndia #DietSwap #WeTried We Swapped Diets For 24 Hours : India v/s Japan Credits: https://www.buzzfeed.com/bfmp/videos/130401 BuzzFeed encourages everyone to do their part to help slow the spread of the coronavirus with frequent hand-washing, social distancing, and staying at home as much as possible. For the most reliable, up-to-date information, please visit www.who.int Follow us on Social Media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/buzzfeedindia/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BuzzFeedIndia/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/BuzzFeedIndia'
Tags: reaction video , buzzfeed , food challenge , Indian food , buzzfeedvideo , netflix india , japanese food , gobblegrams , buzzfeed india , Filtercopy , buzzfeed video , Zuh7 , We tried , indian snacks , Japanese snacks , mostlysane , japanese candy , diet swap , buzzfeed aniket , chuglitv , food swap , international snacks , Indians Taste Test Japanese Snacks , We Swapped Diets For 24 Hours , We Swapped Diets For 24 Hours India v/s Japan , india vs japan , indian and japanese , people try indian snacks
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