'Cabbage Bacon Omelette / 양배추 베이컨 오믈렛 / Korean Street Food / Myeongdong, Seoul / 명동 길거리음식'

'Cabbage Bacon Omelette / 양배추 베이컨 오믈렛 / Korean Street Food / Myeongdong, Seoul / 명동 길거리음식'
04:19 Sep 19, 2021
'Cabbage Bacon Omelette / Korean Street Food / Myeongdong, Seoul  Menu: Cabbage Omelette Price: KRW 6,000 Location: Myeongdong, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea  Instagram: http://instagram.com/cmkp_life Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/cmkplife  Please Like, favorite and subscribe!  #streetfood, #koreanfood, #omelet' 

Tags: omelet , bacon , seoul , cabbage , streetfood , 길거리음식 , 먹거리 , koreanfood , 명동 , myeongdong , 명동 음식 , 오믈렛 , 양배추

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