Sep 10, 2021
'न्यूनतम समर्थन मूल्य (What is Minimum support price) MSP यानी मिनिमम सपोर्ट प्राइस या फिर न्यूनतम सर्मथन मूल्य होता है. MSP सरकार की तरफ से किसानों की अनाज वाली कुछ फसलों के दाम की गारंटी होती है. राशन सिस्टम के तहत जरूरतमंद लोगों को अनाज मुहैया कराने के लिए इस एमएसपी पर सरकार किसानों से उनकी फसल खरीदती है Why is it necessary for Farmers / Kisan to get Minimum support price Notes : 1. Paddy common : From 1997-98, Minimum Support Price (MSP) is announced for two varieties of paddy - common and Grade ‘A’, as against the earlier three categories of common, fine and super fine. 2. Wheat prices for 1992-93 and 1993-94, include a Central bonus of ₹ 25 per quintal. 3. Wheat price for 2006-07 and Paddy common for year 2007-08 include an additional incentive bonus of ₹ 100 per quintal is payable over the MSP. 4. Wheat prices for 1996-97 includes a Central bonus of ₹ 60 per quintal payable up to June 30, 1997. 5. Wheat prices for 2005-06 and 2010-11 include a bonus of ₹ 50 per quintal payable over the MSP. 6. Paddy common for 2006-07 include an additional incentive bonus of ₹ 40 per quintal on procurement between October 1, 2006 to March 31, 2007. 7. Arhar, Moong and Urad for 2007-08 includes a bonus of ₹ 40 per quintal payable over and above the MSP. 8. An additional incentive bonus of ₹ 50 per quintal over the MSP included for paddy common for the years 2008-09 and 2009-10. 9. For Arhar, Moong and Urad for 2010-11 and 2011-12 an additional incentive at the rate of ₹ 500 per quintal payable during the harvest/arrival period of two months is included. 10. For Arhar, Moong and Urad for 2015-16 and 2017-18 bonus of ₹ 200 per quintal payable over and above the MSP. 11. Gram for 2016-17 includes a bonus of ₹ 75 for quintal and for 2017-18 includes a bonus of ₹ 200 per quintal on and above MSP. 12. Arhar, Moong and Urad for 2016-17 includes a bonus of ₹ 425 per quintal over and above MSP. Who fixes MSP in India? Sources : 1. Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India. 2. Commission for Agricultural Costs & Prices (CACP). What is MSP Why is MSP needed? The MSP system was started in 1966-67 for wheat and was expanded further to include other essential food crops, which was then sold to the poor under subsidised rates under the public distribution system (PDS). In 1966, wheat\'s MSP was Rs 54 per quintal. Currently, it is at Rs 1,975 per quintal. What is MSP Bill in India?'
Tags: Agriculture , farmer , Kisan , MSP , farmer agitation , pm kisan
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