'Street Buffet in Penang, Malaysia'

15:24 Jul 26, 2021
'After finishing Bamboo Biryani we went to try the next place which had so many varieties. I was very much excited because all the dishes were made by the Malaysian people. Somehow I found the place where I could start my next hunt. There they serve fish, beef, squid, dried fish, etc, The taste was very new to my taste buds. They add soya sauce in most of their dishes. Chicken and egg were good. It was an entirely new experience for me. It is street food and I enjoyed it thoroughly. In Malaysia still, we can see Sparrows flying. It reminded me of my childhood days.    LOCATION: https://www.google.com/search?tbm=lcl&sxsrf=ACYBGNQs1rupxp_IcbKpsqL7lZo5vyQerQ%3A1576906926269&ei=rrD9XfSKEKOR4-EP7Z-C0AQ&q=jalan+pantai+jerjak+15&oq=jalan+pantai+jer&gs_l=psy-ab.1.1.0l7j0i22i30k1l3.113130.124248.0.127309.;si:1319589238959144599;mv:[[5.342249561301503,100.30550536972805],[5.33919443494409,100.30043063027188],null,[5.340722000026428,100.30296799999996],18]  Website - https://www.irfansview.net/  My Gadgets - https://amazon.in/shop/irfansview  Follow me on,  Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/irfansview/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/irfansreview/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/md_irfan10' 

Tags: tasty , Food , egg , Chicken , vlogger , Malaysia , travel vlog , taste test , street food , fish , beef , rice , Travel Guide , Food Vlog , food blog , Trip Advisor , malaysian street food , malaysian food , squid , irfans view , soru , penang , Feast , dried fish , chennai blogger , street buffet

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