'New Baby Alive Snackin\' Sara! Make this doll some food out of dough and she eats it! Sara is for ages 3 and up and I found her at Walmart for $49.94. Watch more Baby Alive videos! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLohjQ_867EtKcVqHHtePdRUE-dMh13KV_ Subscribe to Toy Reviews For You: bit.ly/1CyaPem Follow Me Instagram: http://instagram.com/toyreviewsforyou Twitter: https://twitter.com/ToyReviews4You Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Toy-Reviews-For-You/119789888191540 Music is Rhythm Changes from the YouTube Library'
Tags: sara , toy , Unboxing , doll , Play doh , toy review , baby alive , snackin sara , toy reviews for you , baby alive eats , baby alive poops , snacking sara , baby alive talks , poops , eats play doh
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