'Fall continues in Stardew Valley. It\'s time for the Stardew Valley Fair and I get a very fine hat. My courtship of Abigail is progressing. I gave her another diamond and she ATE THE DIAMOND. I guess that\'s her thing. She has expensive tastes. Live, family friendly let\'s plays. - Donate: https://streamlabs.com/musicfreegaminglive - Merch!: http://zazzle.com/musicfreegaming - Discord: https://discord.gg/pZYjHda - Extra Life: http://bit.ly/extralifemfg Rules: - No politics - No console/editor/browser wars - No racism/sexism/agism - No spam - Don\'t ask to join Multistreaming with https://restream.io/'
Tags: Live , fall , family friendly , PlayStation 4 , stream , stardew valley , PerlStalker
See also: