'Animated Responsive \' FOOD And Restaurant \' Website Design Using [ HTML CSS JS ] - From Scratch'

51:26 Jul 6, 2021
'how to make complete animated responsive food / restaurant website design using html, css, javascript / jquery. create a responsive animated website design from scratch. complete responsive animated food and restaurant website design tutorial for beginners step by step.  the main feature of this website are:  ✔ responsive sticky header with scroll spy effect. ✔ responsive and animated home section. ✔ responsive about section using flexbox. ✔ responsive menu section using flexbox. ✔ responsive popular / product section with card hover effects using flexbox. ✔ responsive gallery section with image overlay hover effect using flexbox. ✔ responsive contact section using flexbox. ✔ responsive footer section using flexbox.  * SOURCE CODES *  DOWNLOAD THE SOURCE CODE FROM GOOGLE DRIVE ( INCLUDES IMAGES ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1svGq9kUNBaMWccTXbJ9KPCe2--oqRbYX?usp=sharing  images are from freepic and pexels: https://www.freepik.com/ https://www.pexels.com/  popular background image link: https://www.pexels.com/photo/kitchen-knife-on-table-349609/  contact form background image link: https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/wooden-board-empty-table-top-blurred-background_1387629.htm#page=1&query=food%20table&position=0  fonts are from google fonts: roboto : https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Roboto?preview.text_type=custom oswald : https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Oswald?preview.text_type=custom  font awesome cdn link: https://cdnjs.com/libraries/font-awesome  jquery cdn link: https://cdnjs.com/libraries/jquery  aos cdn link: https://cdnjs.com/libraries/aos  aos website link: https://michalsnik.github.io/aos/  New To My Channel Subscribe Now And See More Stuff Like This: https://youtube.com/channel/UCKwgH3vASrD2brd1l2m6NHw  TimeStamps: 0:00 demo 4:06 file structure 6:10 header / navbar section 13:30 home section 18:31 about section 20:54 menu section 27:46 popular section 32:05 gallery section 35:24 order section 39:39 footer section 44:13 AOS 46:28 scroll spy 47:52 final demo   #FrontEnd #FoodWebsite #CompleteWebsite #ResponsiveWebsite #restaurantWebsite #HTML5 #CSS3 #JQUERY #Javascript #WebDevelopment #WebsiteDesign' 

Tags: how to create a website , food website , html5 , css3 , jquery , How To Make A Website , Responsive Web Design , responsive website design tutorial , restaurant website , responsive website , responsive website html css , responsive website design step by step , how to make responsive website using html css , build a Complete Responsive Website , Design A Complete Responsive Website From Scratch , HTML CSS Responsive Web Design , responsive website using html5 and css3 , responsive website tutorial

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