'Kind of drawn out. Next one will be shorter. Promise. Hugs and kisses. If you enjoyed this, why not subscribe? Want to join the discord? Here ya go! - https://discord.gg/AfQeVZB Eric - ItsThatGuy - https://goo.gl/iqktZL'
Tags: fast food , tier list , burger king , best fast food , worst fast food , taco bell , response video , fast food review , chick fil a , tier list maker , idubbbz , fast food rankings , tier list lol , fast food tier list , best tier list , idubbbz tier list , idubbbz fast food review , real tier list , fast food tier list h3h3 , five guys burgers , idubbbz response , food tier list , fast food ratings , Supermega fast food , report of the week tier list , uoa , uoa plays , itsthatguy
See also: