'Doodle With Gil #10 JUNK FOODS'

02:22 Jun 26, 2021
'Doodle #10 is inspired by the need to eat healthy. We are what we eat and what we put in our body shows on the outside or will show sooner or later. Discipline takes an important role in staying healthy. Every food we decide to eat will either benefit or harm our body.  ---- DOODLE WITH GIL includes videos of some of my random doodle arts/art works which mostly convey insights of what I see around or reflections I’ve had for that day. =)  Blog: www.islesgilian.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/wordsandwondersbyislesgilian Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/islesgilian Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/islesgilian Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/islesgilian E-mail: islesgilian@gmail.com' 

Tags: art , color , iMovie , drawing , How to draw , arts , coloring , saudi arabia , doodle , jeddah city , Jeddah , junk foods , promarkers , letraset , micron , sakura pens

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