'For more videos please subscribe http://www.youtube.com/pregnancychildcare In In this video Dr. K. Balakumari explains about nutrition in pregnancy. Basic food habit should be determined by food pyramid but Quantity will vary. Likes and unlike in food will form in pregnancy. She explains about food pyramid by what, how much, how to eat and too explains limited and unlimited level fruits, vegetables based on fibre, vegetarian, non vegetarian, milk with less fat, red meet, white meet, nuts, sprouts. In final half of the video she speaks about health drink, important supplements folic acid (neural development), omega 3, DHA, Iron, calcium for bone strength. Dr. K. Balakumari explains about pregnancy through video presentation. She is a Gynecologist and Obstetrician and Practicing medicine for the past 25 years.'
Tags: diet , iron , obesity , omega 3 , vegetarian food , non vegetarian food , DHA , pyramid , Folic Acid , under weight , calcium for bone strength , Nutrition And Pregnancy
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