'A Diabetic Diet'

01:53 Jun 23, 2021
'Read more here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qBg928Om7G8bDoe9a0Bcmb5JIDg5tPZOG1YzX2kaf8k/edit?usp=sharing   One key to feeling your best lies in the food you eat.  Here are some of the best foods for prediabetics and people living with diabetes, both type 1 and type 2.  Avocados! Avocados have less than 1 gram of sugar, few carbohydrates, a high fiber content, and healthy fats.   Beans are another good choice. Beans are cheap, nutritious, and super healthy.  Also, consider yogurt. Greek yogurt is a great dairy choice for people with diabetes.  Nuts like almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews and pecans contain fiber and are low in net carbs.  Apple cider vinegar has many health benefits.  Note - Some of my links will be affiliate marketing links.' 

Tags: diet , prediabetes , Diabetes , healthy diet , Blood Sugar , healthy fats , Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits , nuts , a diabetic diet , reverse diabetes

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