'Jelly cake is the perfect snack and dessert for summertime. It is easy to make but we can be more creative by making it with natural food coloring. Ingredients: 1. Agar agar mixture: -25g agar agar powder (~4 Tbsp) -2L water -1 cup/200g sugar 2. Coconut milk mixture: -2 cup coconut milk -1 cup condensed milk 3. Natural food coloring: -Red: 1 medium sized beet -Orange: ½ carrot -Yellow: 3 passion fruits -Green: 5 pandan leaves -Blue: 20 butterfly pea flowers -Purple: 1 cup of purple cabbage For each color, we need to extract ½ cup of juice and mix with 1 Tbsp of sugar. For each color layer, mix 1 cup of agar agar mixture with ½ cup of juice. For coconut milk layer, mix 1 cup of agar agar mixture with ½ cup of coconut milk mixture. #SimpleRecipeChannel #VanNguyen #RainbowAgarAgarJellyCake Music credit: Song: JayJen - Rainbow (Vlog No Copyright Music) Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music. Video Link: https://youtu.be/4Lk7_Z-kocs'
Tags: recipe for kids , dessert recipe for kids , Simple Recipe Channel , Van Nguyen , Rainbow Agar agar Jelly Cake , Rau câu thạch cầu vồng , Rau câu bằng màu tự nhiên , Jelly with Natural food coloring , Made with filmora , Easy asian dessert recipe
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