'1 MIN WORKOUT and SIMPLE NUTRITION (Food & Talk) l 1분 운동 & 간편한 단백질 보충'

06:50 Jun 19, 2021
'Hello, Allbengers :) Over the past half-year, Allblanc has prepared series about food, exercise and talk. Today is the first time of series, and Louis starts first of it. Oh, later in the video, we talk about our future content plans Allblanc channel too. We hope you enjoy today\'s video and take care of your health! Thank you very much Love you all  This video was made into production with the help of “Rankingdak.com” (global purchase link: https://rankingdak.com)   Allblanc  안녕하세요 올벤져스 여러분 :) 지난 반년동안 올블랑 멤버들이 음식(영양)과 운동 그리고 토크에 관한 콘텐츠를 준비해왔는데요-  오늘은 그 첫 번째 시간입니다. 그 첫 스타트를 루이스가 끊어줬어요. 그리고 영상의 후반부에는 저희의 앞으로의 콘텐츠 계획에 관한 이야기도 함께 합니다.  그럼 오늘 영상도 재밌게 봐주시고, 모두 건강 유의하시기 바랍니다! 감사합니다.   이번 영상은 \"간편하게 먹을 수 있고 다양한 닭가슴살 제품이 있는 랭킹닭컴\"에서 함께 해주셨습니다 :) (구매 링크: https://rankingdak.com)   매주 올라오는 영상 구독하기  SUBSCRIBE FOR WEEKLY VIDEOS  ► http://bit.ly/allblanc_subs  ADD US ON INSTAGRAM ► Ryo  https://www.instagram.com/coolguy_no.5 ► Louis  https://www.instagram.com/louis.oh__ ► Mark  https://www.instagram.com/nsw_91 ► James https://www.instagram.com/jw.seeeeeo ► Bri https://www.instagram.com/letsgotothe... ► Allblanc  https://www.instagram.com/allblanctv   FACEBOOK (Allblanc Fit) ► https://www.facebook.com/allblancfit   WATCH MORE VIDEOS (PLAYLISTS) VLOGS ► https://bit.ly/2SxCREn 4MIN WORKOUTS ► https://bit.ly/2EE86Ka INTENSIVE WORKOUTS ► https://bit.ly/2BUnjFe CHALLENGES ►  https://bit.ly/2T9sbAS  ※ 비지니스 문의 (Business Inquiry) : all_blanc@naver.com  Copyright ⓒ Allblanc TV  All Rights Reserved  #FOODandWorkout #WorkoutNutrition ##MUKBANG' 

Tags: cardio , tabata , fat loss , tabata workout , 타바타 , 올블랑 , 뱃살빼기 , 식단 , tandoori chicken , food and nutrition , burning belly fat , 1분운동 , 1min workout , Korean Chicken breast , 닭가슴살추천 , 몸짱 닭가슴살 , 몸짱 식단

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