'Ultimate Glam Pumpkin Princess Collab with Tattoo Junkee'

'Ultimate Glam Pumpkin Princess Collab with Tattoo Junkee'
18:18 Apr 25
'I could not be more excited about this video! I feel so luck to be able to join forces with Tattoo Junkee to bring you this Ultimate Glam Pumpkin Makeup Look! Thank you again to Tattoo Junkee for being so supportive and amazing to me! I don\'t deserve you!  All products used in this video can be found at  https://www.tattoojunkee.com  ********Wanna join the Foxy Family? Dont forget to subscribe or find me here*******  https://www.facebook.com/ImogenHearts https://twitter.com/ImogenHearts_ And on instagram @imogenhearts http://www.pinterest.com/xImogenHeartsx SNAPCHAT: xImogenHeartsx (I rarely post here, check my IG Stories)  Music is No Copy Right found here https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&v=KMun5ujNuHs&q=https%3A%2F%2Fsoundcloud.com%2Fponzoomusic&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbVFiMVJ1ZkJma2owX3ZvR3lGTnkzTVFTSEIxUXxBQ3Jtc0ttUHhObHl0V1RPNlFicjNtNHZ3b2pGUy1jZ2RwY2stc3k1R242QVctNWJBekVueEJwQ1FJbzNIS3FSaC1OeUZWN1JJOVZOeUl4djdldjVRTmJJSmE2c1JNSkZJUTVvMEluQ1ZLUkNqbGhHR0o1cE5Naw%3D%3D' 

Tags: costume , halloween , cosplay , tattoo , halloween makeup , costume makeup , face paint , body paint , pumpkin , mehron makeup , cosplay makeup , special effects makeup , pumpkin makeup , tattoo junkee , mehron paradise paints

See also:

