'There\'s no one left. I have now explored what it\'s like to marry and divorce everyone in the 1.4 update. They all come with new and unique 14 heart events, some of which give new items. I just had to see what each and every person had to offer then promptly divorced them. By the end there were barely any NPC\'s left to attend the wedding. Stardew Valley 1.4 update gameplay with my commentary as always. Stardew Valley - https://store.steampowered.com/app/413150/Stardew_Valley/'
Tags: funny , Valley , DF , stardew valley , Stardew , dangerouslyfunny , Stardew Valley 1.4 , stardew valley update , dangerously funny , dangerously , When You've Divorced Everyone , 1.4 update , 14 heart , 14 heart events
See also: