'Corn and Soybean Destination Food Plot Planting with old 2 Row Planter'

'Corn and Soybean Destination Food Plot Planting with old 2 Row Planter'
11:44 Mar 20, 2024
'In this video I am planting our second largest food plot into primarily corn and soybeans. I  am leaving a portion of it unplanted for now and then this summer I will plant a brassica blend in the plot as well. This food plot acts as a destination plot for the deer. We hunt the transition between bedding and the plot. That way we can avoid the big plot keeping it unpressured to the deer so they will continue to use the pattern of moment to the plot everyday.  This is going to turn into a killer food plot this year with a great mix of all the 3 major food plot crops Corn, Soybeans, and Brassicas.' 

Tags: planting food plots , how to plant a food plot , small food plots , corn food plot , Planting soybeans for deer , no till food plots , soybean food plot , kill plots for deer , micro food plots , 2 row corn planter , planting corn for deer , corn and soybeans for deer , best food plot crop , broadcasting soybeans food plot , how to no till plant soybeans , destination food plot , Destination corn and soybean food plot

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