'Crimson Clover as a Deer Food Plot Forage - The Good, Bad, and Ugly'

'Crimson Clover as a Deer Food Plot Forage - The Good, Bad, and Ugly'
03:25 Mar 20, 2024
'Crimson clover is one of the most popular cool season food plot forages, and for good reason. It’s highly nutritious with % crude protein in the mid-20s, can produce tons (literally) of deer forage per acre, and is an excellent re-seeder. But, it’s one of the first clovers to mature and die in the late spring. Adding a late maturing clover with crimson will provide more quality forage for deer into late spring and early summer.   Do you plant different clover species in your cool-season plots to maximize forage availability into late spring and even summer? Stay tuned for videos on later-maturing clovers.' 
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