'Hello Everyone, I hope you\'re having a good day! Recipe #11 is the Lucky Lunch! This recipe was heavily inspired by a post on Reddit by r/Deirdre_Rose. In the post they show and describe their version of the lucky lunch, where they substituted the Sea Cucumber for Chicken and Garlic for the Blue Jazz. I thought the garlic substitution was particularly creative, as they reasoned that the flower of allium plants (Which garlic is a member of) looks a lot like blue jazz. Here is a link to r/Deirdre_Rose\'s Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/comments/mlrcyq/stardew_valley_dinner_with_lucky_lunch_pepper/ If you make this recipe I would love to see your creation! The best place to show me is at one of my socials:
Tags: stardew valley , stardew valley food recipes , stardew valley food irl , stardew valley cooking , concerned ape , Stardew Valley Food In Real Life , stardew lucky lunch , stardew recipes , jammy , stardew valley lucky lunch , how to make lucky lunch , how to get lucky lunch stardew valley
See also: