'Ramadan Special Drink, ഇത് ഒരു ഗ്ലാസ് മതി

01:07 Mar 12
'Hi friends, try this super milkshake for the next iftar, its so indulging and mellow. Just dont mind the ice cream scoop, even If you opt healthy.few extra calories is okay while you are fasting all the day 

Tags: watermelon recipes , milk shake , malayalam cooking , Milk recipe , malayalam recipe , malayalam cooking recipes , ramdan , special drinks , iftar drinks , watermelon milkshake , ramadan special drink , cool drink recipe , ifthar , nombu , nombthura , milkshake ideas , Ramadan milkshake , Ramadan recipe Malayalam , Icecream shakes , Nomb vibavangal , Welcome drinks

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