'Clover Food Plot: Growing GREAT in this ROCKY Soil!'

'Clover Food Plot: Growing GREAT in this ROCKY Soil!'
02:36 Mar 11, 2024
'This hidey hole is providing quality forage for critters and will be a great hunting location this fall. See how we\'ve gotten this lush cover food plot to grow in super rocky soil!  It\'s a  Clover should be a part of every whitetail food plot arsenal because it not only provides tons of forage for wildlife but it also can create a great spot for hunting! Clover grows quickly and becomes palatable early during the spring. Minimal acreage is needed of clover because it produces a lot of tonnage per square acre.   When managing clover there are two important things to remember, the first being that clover requires a lot of fertilizer. Secondly, weeds and grasses can choke clover out relatively easily so weed control is very important.  We typically try to plant at least 10% of our food plot acreage in some type of clover. Clover is an essential food plot crop as it is one of the varieties that  helps  fill the void in early spring. This time period usually falls middle to late February and lasts through late March. If you’re familiar with clover you’ve probably noticed that during that time of year clover can provide lots of forage. #deerhunting. #foodplots #TeamOutdoors' 

Tags: video , food plots , white-tailed deer , wildlife management , deer management , Hunting (Interest) , hunter education , easy food plots , prescribed fire , best food plot seed , what do deer eat , feeding deer , farming for wildlife , hand tools food plot

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