'More Animals: Stardew Valley Take Out Challenge #stardewvalley #stardew'

13:21 Mar 2, 2024
'Don\'t know if this challenge exists, but I pulled the rules out of my butt.  1. Only make money selling food. You can\'t take the money from requests. You can do them, but leave the money  2. Only sell food made in the kitchen or the cooking kit. No selling crafting recipes like bug steaks and field snacks   3. No buying ingredients you can grow and craft. Sugar and wheat are crafted at the mill, but vinegar can only be purchased.  4. Buying recipes and seeds are fine.  5. Cook and sell all recipes at least once  END GAME  Cook and sell all recipes at least once OR 1 million earned  OPTIONAL  Get a shed and decorate it to look like a take out restaurant.   Stardew Valley gameplay with commentary, hopefully funny commentary.   Subscribe to my channel for more videos  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVB7bwZVpp-TYhEmIMCSasw/  ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/EbonyThief  Editor: https://www.fiverr.com/kookygalfi Thumbnail: Me #stardewvalley #stardew #letsplay #letsplays #rpg #gameplay' 

Tags: lets play , Stardew Valley Commentary , Stardew Valley Gameplay Commentary , EbonyThief , stardew valley 1.5 gameplay , stardew valley funny , stardew valley shorts , ebony thief stardew , stardew valley vanilla gameplay , stardew valley vanilla commentary , ebony thief stardew valley , stardew valley challenge run , stardew valley 1.5 commentary gameplay , stardew valley expanded funny commentary , stardew valley vineyard commentary , star dew valley , stardew valley vineyard

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