'In this episode we take a look at the food plot progress at the FBM properties. Can you plant black oil sunflower seed bird seed and get results? Find out here. Check out the progress of 2 different soybean varieties to grow successfully in Maine and norther zones. Links to the seed and products below. Powerplant: https://whitetailinstitute.com/imperial-powerplant-annual/ Real World Soybeans: https://www.realworldwildlifeproducts.com/product/rwwp-northern-soybean-blend/ Plot Start: https://www.deergro.com/product/plotstart-2-5gal-1acre/'
Tags: sunflower seeds , food plot , food plots , food plots for deer , whitetail deer , food plots for deer in the woods , food plots for beginners , soybean food plots for deer , food plot planting , Planting Sunflowers , planting sunflowers for deer , whitetail deer hunting , food plots for whitetail deer , growing sunflowers , planting sunflowers for doves , planting sunflowers from seeds , growing sunflowers from bird seed , maine hunting videos , maine hunting season 2022-23
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