'The ULTIMATE Guide to Crops - Stardew Valley'

'The ULTIMATE Guide to Crops - Stardew Valley'
22:18 Feb 20, 2024
'Welcome to the beginning of a series of in-depth guides! For this series we\'re going to be exploring each skill individually, starting with Farming! Since farming is such a large part of the game, it\'ll be split into two different parts, crops and animals. I believe this should be a much more organized way to provide information to new players than what I\'ve done before!  Thank you to my Avatars! Charlie Barley - https://www.youtube.com/c/CharlieBarley Seanie Dew -  https://www.youtube.com/c/SeanieDew Wickedy - https://www.youtube.com/c/WickedyChickady Floydson - https://www.youtube.com/c/FloydsonYT Leapalot - https://www.youtube.com/c/Leapalot  Link to the Crop Charts: https://twitter.com/Salmence100/status/1560360683262414848?s=20&t=y6qMb4pO85zif-rLf7aCqQ  Sections: 0:00 - Intro 1:16 - Crop Mechanics 3:38 - Spring Crops 9:05 - Summer Crops 14:50 - Fall Crops 18:16 - Special Crops   

Tags: Nintendo , Play , Let's , stardew valley , Stardew Valley gameplay , stardew valley secrets , stardew valley playthrough , Stardew Valley Guide , stardew valley tips , Stardew Guide , fall crops , salmence100 , stardew valley crops , stardew crops , stardew valley crop guide , ultimate guide to crops , stardew crops guide , stardew valley crops guide , guide to crops , salmence stardew , stardew help , stardew which crops are best , stardew summer crops , spring crops , ancient fruit , summer crops

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