'Do You Need An Expensive No-Till Drill to Plant Your Foodplots? (Part 2 of 2)'

'Do You Need An Expensive No-Till Drill to Plant Your Foodplots? (Part 2 of 2)'
13:59 Feb 18, 2024
'After many experiments and testing, this video shows my conclusion about using an affordable, plain ole\' grain drill vs. an expensive no-till drill to convert food plots to no-till planting.  Here is the payoff we all look for from our food plots, buck down!  https://youtu.be/kWmERyqUwTA Here is how to buy a used grain drill:  https://youtu.be/58Y-7jCH82k Here is the part 1 video:  https://youtu.be/0F5c2mYRySg Here is why you should consider no-till foodplotting:  https://youtu.be/moTSyk-lKK8 Here is another video of someone using a grain drill for no till, with their results very well documented, so stay to the end to see how well things germinated:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8bCGUDYzos' 

Tags: food plot , foodplot , how to plant a food plot , deer habitat , habitat improvement , no till food plots , food plot preparation , food plot seed , discing food plots , whitetail deer hunting , poor man food plot , broadcast seed food plot , whitetail deer food plot , sandy food plots , food plot problem , food plot soil , grain drill for food plot , no till drill food plot , sandy soil food plot , light soil food plot , case ih500 drill , genesis no-till drill , planter for food plot

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