'If you\'re anything like me, the community center took you HOURS to complete the first time you played this game. But how fast can it REALLY be completed if we use EVERY tool? That\'s what we\'re finding out today as I attempt my first ever glitched Stardew speedrun! Huge shoutout to olenoname for the route and helping me figure this out months ago olenoname\'s Run: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTX94mC09sI The Route: https://pastebin.com/HSdwpghE Full Stream https://youtu.be/3PY-tx-YifU Hall of Fame https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Sq9IKbYsCmOmuLh2aAirhrkx-8kmhGo2Hpp4ploZyAw/edit?usp=sharing ⬇️ My Other Stuff ⬇️ Second Channel http://youtube2.unsurpassablez.com Discord http://discord.unsurpassablez.com Tik Tok http://tiktok.unsurpassablez.com Instagram http://instagram.unsurpassablez.com Twitter http://twitter.unsurpassablez.com YouTube http://youtube.unsurpassablez.com Patreon http://patreon.unsurpassablez.com Get the Official UnsurpassableZ Merch! http://merch.unsurpassablez.com Play on Our Minecraft Server! mc.unsurpassablez.com Check Out the VOD Archive https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCab-4a0LqZ16mLPDyiUxhug Intro Song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRN_T6JkH-c&list=PLN9-Nrpl76wyhyQgwa8ia5hNJGfmdOdYe&index=1 Music from Harris Heller https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ6hCusHlsIDXqoTbbTHSUQ Outro Song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cT3zzbDUElgiR4 Edited by Extraordinary Earper Thumbnail by gleasn'
Tags: stardew valley , Stardew , stardew valley speedrun , UnsurpassableZ , Glitched Speedrun , Stardew Valley 1.2 , Community Center Speedrun , Glitched Community Center
See also: