'ATV Roller Crimper Brassica Food Plot Planting'

'ATV Roller Crimper Brassica Food Plot Planting'
02:05 Feb 13, 2024
'Jared uses his ATV roller crimper / cultipacker combo to plant his no till brassica plot.  After planting buckwheat this past spring, Jared then broadcasts his Carnage Brassica mix into the standing buckwheat. Followed by a few passes with the crimper, the seeds are planted under the buckwheat. The buckwheat has been terminated and will turn into a perfect mulch or thatch layer covering up the brassica seed.  This is end of July but he has planted up to mid August as well.   #foodplot #notill #habitatmanagement #habitatpodcast #gamekeeper #wiredtohunt #deerhunting #foodplots #hondaatv @packermaxx @killerfoodplots @truthfromthestand' 

Tags: food plot , grant woods , packer maxx , buffalo system , Atv crimper , Roller crimper , Crimping food plot , Rtp crimper , Habitat podcast , Release process

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