'Fasola nieskurwiała'

10:01 Feb 12
'To jest historia o Władimira Putina i o najlepszej fasoli na świecie.  Cały przepis tu: http://www.foodemperor.com/cooking/beans  Fartuchy: https://foodemperor.teetres.com/ Drogie gówno: http://foodemperor.spreadshirt.net/  Facebook: facebook.com/foodemperor Twitter: twitter.com/foodemperor Instagram: instagram.com/foodemperor Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/foodemperor Patreon: www.patreon.com/foodemperor  If you want to appear in one of my future videos, film yourself next time you feast on one of my dish! I\'ll write the instructions again, just in case you missed them:  1. Cook one of my recipes, then film yourself 2. State your name, and the dish you just prepared. 3. Take a bite, and say how good it is! 4. Send me the video via sprend.com or wetransfer.com (using my email theemperor@foodemperor.com)  Send me food! Food Emperor Box 11258 100 61 Stockholm' 

Tags: Recipe , Food , Cooking (Interest) , Baked Beans (Food) , food emperor

See also:
