'Iron and Clay Cowpeas Food Plot: Two Week Update'

'Iron and Clay Cowpeas Food Plot: Two Week Update'
05:09 Jan 21, 2024
'This is a two week update after planting approximately 20 lbs of Iron and Clay Cowpeas and a few pounds of sunflowers. The food plot is approximately 1/3 of an acre. We received a nice rain 5 days after I planted. We\'ve been getting rain every 3 or 4 days since then and the temps in east TX have been in the 90s during the day and mid 70s at night. The Iron and Clay Cowpeas are easily over 12 inches tall already.  This is the first food plot I\'ve planted on this property. There are about 4 or 5 log landings that I want to convert into additional food plots this summer and fall. The property was just logged last month.   I hope you enjoyed the update and I\'ll post another one in a couple more weeks.   Hopefully this will help attract more deer to the area!!  John Frederick' 

Tags: planting food plots , food plot for deer , cowpeas , food plot update , summer food plot , iron and clay cowpeas , deer ploy

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