'You shouldn\'t ever have to worry about drought destroying your food plots! Whether it\'s the variety of seeds your are planting in your food plots or the timing of your food plots, there is really no excuse for your plots failing due to drought. Here is how to drought proof your food plots. To learn how to successfully design your ENTIRE food plot program, please check out my Food Plot web class at: https://www.whitetailhabitatsolutions.com/classes/how-to-plant-and-design-a-food-plot-program Do you have great food plots to hunt over? Make sure that you are following my weather forecast deer hunting predictions when you head to the woods. Check out HuntCast, at: https://huntwise.com/sturgis'
Tags: Food , moisture , Proof , rain , plot , food plot , food plots , deer food plots , drought , no rain , drought proof food plots , drought proof , drought proof plots , no moisture
See also: