'Now you know how watermelon hard candy is made. Buy our hard candy: https://www.herculescandy.com/products/hard-candy-16-ounce Check out our Hoh Yeah shirt! https://bit.ly/2YYh10k Check out the rest of our Teespring merch! https://teespring.com/stores/hercules-candys-store ***WARNING***This video is made for educational and entertainment purposes only, if you attempt to make this at home you do so at your own risk and we can not be held responsible for any injuries. Making hard candy is a dangerous process since such high temperature are used to make it. With that said, for those that are curious and want specifics this is how we make it. For one full size batch we combine into a copper kettle 7 pounds of corn syrup, 14 pounds of sugar, 1 teaspoon of cream of tartar and 2 quarts of water. We heat it up to 310°F, then add the flavoring oil before removing it from the stove and pouring it onto the marble table to cool down. Here we add in color and flavoring oil before stretching it on the hook. We stretch it to add in air bubbles which turns it white. We combine the stripes into the body and put it through our fancy candy cutter, then we just wait for it to cool down and bag it up for you to buy! ***IF YOU LIVE IN A WARM CLIMATE OR *SOUTH OF KENTUCKY/WEST VIRGINIA* OR *WEST OF WISCONSIN/ILLINOIS* AND PLACE AN ORDER WITH CHOCOLATE PLEASE READ THIS*** Please pick second day air with a cold pack, if you don\'t we will have to call you and tell you that you need it. Although we love talking to our customers we just don\'t have the time to do that. So please help us help you get your order as quickly and painlessly as possible. Find us on Facebook: @Hercules Candy https://www.facebook.com/Hercules-Candy-Co-145420888813009/?fref=ts Follow us on instagram: @herculescandy https://www.instagram.com/herculescandy/ Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/herculescandyco?lang=en outro music: $hake by Jef2 on soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/yymm-dd/hake Craig\'s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyZ9pEYl4VeOBKVhehwXWUg Follow Craig on instagram: @noeggcraig https://www.instagram.com/noeggcraig/ The following are affiliate links, which means if you click on any of them and purchase anything from Amazon within 24 hours of clicking on it I (Craig) will receive a small commission. If you love these videos and want to support me then it\'s a great way to do so without you having to actually pay me anything. our chocolate tempering thermometer: https://amzn.to/2RI7ZAS my camera: https://amzn.to/2OkcEZd my lens: https://amzn.to/2AaulHo my editing suite: https://amzn.to/2NMvs25 my microphone: https://amzn.to/2NMVVwB'
Tags: satisfying , oddly satisfying , hard candy , candy recipe , candy making , how to make candy , oddly satisfying videos , how its made , how it's made , satisfying videos , making candy , How Candy is Made , hard candy recipe , hercules candy
See also: