'A quick speedy tutorial on how to use your BeesWax Wraps at home. Shop our reusable and planet-friendly wraps here: https://primalliving.com/products/beekeepers-food-wraps-set-of-7-various-designs You can use the BeeKeepers food wraps in the same way as you would cling film or foil wrap: fold out so the wrap is fully flat, then use the heat of your hand to create a seal as you fold the wrap over your dish or around the food. We\'ve created some helpful videos showing you how to use the wraps, including how to make a food pouch - head on over to our YouTube channel to find out more. The beeswax wraps are completely washable and reusable, just wash with a mild detergent and cold water, and then air dry. With proper care, your reusable beeswax wrap can last up to a year, then once it has reached its life end, pop it in the compost. Some single use plastics, such as cling film, take up to 2,000 years or more to biodegrade - or perhaps even never biodegrade!'
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