'CEC Food Matters Action Kit'

04:03 Nov 21, 2023
'This video aims to inspire youth across North America to reduce food waste and help save our planet.  To prevent food waste, you can start using the “Food Matters Action Kit” today.  It’s loaded with informative resources and hands-on, creative activities to inspire youth from ages 5 to 25 to implement these activities at home, in school and in the community.   These activities are designed to help youth start making a positive difference right now to prevent food waste—from small initiatives at home, to more ambitious efforts involving the whole community.   Join the youth movement! Register as an individual or as part of a club, organization, class, team, group of friends. http://www.cec.org/FoodMattersActionKit  © Commission for Environmental Cooperation: http://www.cec.org  #FoodMattersActionKit' 
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