Oct 17, 2023
'Food Taipei Mega Shows 2022 is a 5-in-1 event offers Asia’s one and only grand food industry exhibition platforms stimulating exciting innovation and opening better business opportunities. The show will be held from June 22 to 25, 2022 at Taipei Nangang Exhibition Hall 1&2. The mega event gathering around 1,500 exhibitors from 23 countries and regions with 3,300 booths and recruited 18 international pavilions to showcase global delicacies. In addition, it is about to drew 20,000 attendees to visit. Food Taipei Mega Shows create a comprehensive supply chain covering the upstream, mid-stream, downstream sections of the food industry and peripheral equipment sectors. Further information please visit official website: https://cloudcdn.taiwantradeshows.com.tw/food5in1/indexen.html #foodtaipeimegashows #foodtaipei #foodtechtaipei #taipeipack #taiwanhoreca #taiwanfood #foodshow #foodindustry #taiwantradeshows'See also: