Oct 11, 2023
'Municipalities can improve the quality of life and wellbeing of their residents by using policy to create bright, vibrant communities where healthy choices are easier. AUMA, RMA, and the Alberta Policy Coalition for Chronic Disease Prevention (APCCP) are pleased to host a series of educational webinars on using policy to support community health and wellbeing. Policy topics explored during this series will include smoking and vaping, active travel, healthy eating, and a health-in-all-policies approach. Connect with us for the latest municipal news: LinkedIn ‣ http://bit.ly/AUMALinkedIn Facebook ‣ http://facebook.com/theauma Twitter ‣ http://twitter.com/TheAUMA Newsletter ‣ http://bit.ly/AUMAdigest Web ‣ http://auma.ca'
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