Aug 31, 2023
'Pls give 5 star rating on Uber if you enjoyed. \'Parotta Act\' is my YouTube series. Which is what would have happened if Hasan Minhaj met PewDiePie and they had an Indian baby. Strictly non serious videos. Team: Me - Creator/Director/Writer/Producer Prakhar Pachpor - Editing (https://www.instagram.com/prakharpachpor/) Gokul Kumar - Writing (https://www.instagram.com/gokulkumar13/) Mazin Iqbal - Writing (https://www.instagram.com/morelike.amazin/) Intro Video: Animation: Bob Krustykrab (https://www.instagram.com/bob_krustykrab/) Theme song: Parimal Shais https://www.instagram.com/bassdroppingalien/ Branding: Bob, Gowtham Magesh (https://www.instagram.com/gotham.magesh/) I make more silly things on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mahlyf_mahrulez/ Giv recommendations for topics also! tnx. njoi. get good marks and ascend in life. Subscribe if you aren\'t a cactus!'
Tags: comedy , Indian food
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