Jul 12, 2023
'Veggies should be processed at it\'s peak: as soon as possible from the time of harvest. But okay, you have bought/harvested all of your fresh produce, but you realize you it will be a couple of days before you can process them. Avoid wilting veggies by wrapping them in KALIKA. KALIKA creates a semi-permeable barrier that maintains the moisture inside your veggies, while at the same time still allows breathability, so excess moisture doesn\'t pool up inside the wrapper. Let\'s pledge to put more veggies inside your mouth and in your belly, rather than throwing them into the compost bin sooner than they should be! Get to know us: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kalika.wrap/ Website: http://www.kalikawrap.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kalika.wrap Tokopedia: https://www.tokopedia.com/kalika-wrap #FreshnessThatLasts #eco #sustainability #ecofriendly #zerowaste #environment #sustainablefashion #nature #sustainableliving #gogreen #plasticfree #freshfood #plasticfree #noplastic #reduce #kalikabeeswaxwrap #kalikabeeswaxfoodwrap #beeswaxfoodwrap #foodwrap #reusable #kurangisampahplastik #tanpabungkusplastik #environmentallyfriendly'See also: