'Smosh Food Battle Intro Reenactment'

00:10 Jun 12, 2023
'(10/1/2021) Smosh has never been the same as it once was. I\'m sure everyone remembers the channel\'s golden years when it was only Anthony Padilla and Ian Hecox, especially before Anthony\'s departure in 2017. From 2006-2016 was their legendary Food Battle series, where Anthony would pit his favorite food against Ian\'s Pink Frosted Sprinkled Donut to see which could do more everyday tasks. Despite that, the winner was simply who survived to the end. Anthony\'s favorite foods were in order: Taquito, Celery, Churro, Burrito, Red Hot Chili Pepper, Rainbow Lollipop, Eggroll, Giant Gummy Snake, Rock Candy, Chocolate Coated Banana, and Vegan Pink Frosted Sprinkled Donut.' 
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