'Forget the cliches, Duck à l\'Orange is monumentally delicious and categorically French... As are a lot of other things (apparently)... So, have we done this dish justice?! Get the full recipe at: http://sortedfood.com/duckalorange Have you downloaded our BRAND NEW app yet? http://bit.ly/SortedYT Get tonnes of behind the scenes stuff and extra foodie loveliness here: http://twitter.com/sortedfood http://facebook.com/sortedfood http://instagram.com/sortedfood http://pinterest.com/sortedfood http://sortedfood.tumblr.com'
Tags: French Food (Cuisine) , HOW TO COOK DUCK , duck recipe , French cooking , mashed potato recipe , COOKING WITH DUCK , best mashed potato , french recipe , how to cook duck meat , orange sauce , orange duck recipe , Duck à L'orange (Food) , homemade orange sauce , how to make orange sauce , orange sauce recipe , canard recette , canard a l'orange , how to cook duck in orange sauce , duck in orange sauce recipe , duck breast a l'orange , how to cook duck breast , how to cook perfect duck breast
See also: